Our neomo travel team is equipped with the expertise, knowledge, and experience to make your form completion, immunizations, and TB Testing an enjoyable process.

STUDENT/volunteer/employment FORMS

Fees associated to form completion:

1st Year Forms $150.00 + HST

2nd Year Forms $75.00 + HST

Other Forms $100.00 + HST


Additional fees are associated with vaccines not covered by OHIP. These will be reviewed and discussed with one of our travel nurses upon receipt of STUDENT/VOLUNTEER REQUEST FORM.

Injection Fee of $25.00 + HST (when applicable)

tb testing

2-Step TB Test: $50.00 + HST

1-Step TB Test: $30.00 + HST

for all inquiries related to the above services, please select the link below and fill in the reuqested information.